UI5/FIORI Training

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148 Ratings

Course Duration : 50h

Course Level : Beginner


Sr. SAP UI5/Fiori Consultantt
15+ Years of Experience

Upcoming Batches

About the Course

UI5 evolution stands for fundamental improvements as part of an ongoing effort to advance SAPUI5, to enable applications to run faster, and code to become more modular. By embracing web standards, asynchronous loading, and emerging technologies, SAPUI5 continues to be a future-proof,
enterprise-proven solution. SAPUI5 is a JavaScript application framework designed to build cross-platform, responsive, enterprise-ready applications. The library’s feature set includes model–view–controller patterns, data binding, its own UI-element library, and internationalisation support. No need to worry about device specifics! UI5 apps run on smartphones, tablets, and desktops. The UI controls automatically adapt themselves to each device’s capabilities and make the most of the available real estate.


SAP UI5 is a Java script based framework that is used to design multi-platform business applications. It supports various data models and views do desktop and mobile applications. SAP UI5 compiles on open Ajax and can be combined with java script libraries.


SAP UI5 was initially named phoenix that was later changed to SAP UI5 in 2011.

SAP Fiori is a set of apps, newly written by SAP, that address the most broadly and frequently used SAP functions, such as workflow approvals, information lookups, and self-service tasks. They provide simple and easy-to-use access across desktops, tablets, and smartphones

Any graduate can learn this course,If you have freedom to choose one of these four languages: html, js, xml, json to design the UI.


The controller is used to write several events defined in sapui5 which are based on javascript and jquery. You can also use javascript and jquery to achieve the desired goal.

You learn Strong experience in developing for user, functional and system requirements.


Experience in Fiori Design patterns, expertise in UI Theme designer.

you will come to know understanding of the UI principles.

Capturing and tracking functional requirements.

You should have knowledge of web technologies like html, javascript, xml, jquery, json, css etc.


As SAPUI 5 and fiori which uses sapui5 is based on these technologies

Key Features

Instructor-Led Sessions

50 Hours of Online Live Instructor-Led Classes. Weekend Classes: 24 sessions of 2 hours each. Weekday Classes: 50 sessions of 1 hour each.

Real-Life Case Studies

Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of the various concepts.


Each class will be followed by practical assignments.

Lifetime Access

You get lifetime access to LMS where presentations, quizzes, installation guide & class recordings.

24 X 7 Expert Support

We have 24×7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system, for the lifetime.


After completing your final course project successfully emax will provide you certificate as a SAP Trainee.


  • HTML5 – Structure, Headings, Formatting, Font, Paragraph, Div,
    Form , Input, RadioButton, CheckBox, Select, Page To page
  • CSS3 – Cascading Style Sheets: CSS syntax, Integrating CSS
    in HTML, Types of Style sheets – External, Internal- CSS,
    Selectors – Universal/Global, Type/Element, ID, Class.
  • Chrome Browser : Console Introduction, Element Tab, Console
    Tab and its users – Source Tab and Network Tab.
  • JavaScript – Intro to Core JavaScript –journey from ES1 to
    latest ES2019-ES10 – ECMA10 Latest JavaScript methods –
    using Internal and External JScirpts – integrate script into HTML
    – Variable Declarations – Primitive and Object Datatypes –
    Number – String- replacing document.write() and other methods
    in SAPUI5 with MessageToast – MessageBox classes – intro to
    the latest ECMA10 JS methods like JSON.stringify() –
    Array.flat() – Object.fromEntries() – String.trimStart() –
    trimEnd() – Array.sort() – Array.flatmap() and all latest methods
    including – Array Properties – Constructors – Methods like
    pop(), shift(), push(), slice(), join(), toString(), reverse(), sort(),
    copyWithin(), split() , concat(), index().
  • JSON – Intro to Object oriented JavaScript – how JSON is used
    to handle client side data and in OData Services.
  • Introduction.
  • Eclipse IDE installation
  • Databinding –
    • JSONModel
    • ResourceModel
    • ODataModel with Real TIME SCENERIOS ONLY.
  • Action Controls
    Button-Info Label- Link – OverflowToolbarButton –
    PullToRefresh – ToggleButton – UploadCollection.
  • Container
    Carousel – IconTabBar – Panel – Page.
  • Data Visualization
    VizFrame Charts – Bar – Bubble – Bullet – Column – Donut
    – Heatmap – Line – Pie – Waterfall.
  • Display
    Busy Indicator – Image – Label – MessageManager –
    ObjectStatus – PDF Viewer – Text – Title.
  • Layout
    VBox – HBox – Form – Grid – ObjectPageLayout.
  • List
    Column – List – ResponsiveTable.
  • PopUp
    Dialog – MessageBox – MessageToast.
  • UserInput
    Calendar – CheckBox – DateTimePicker – Input –
    RadioButton – Select – Switch – TextArea.

Levels of Binding – Application
level – View Level – Control Level – MVC Architecture – SAPUI5 With JavaScript View
and XML View – View to View Navigation

Introduction to OData Architecture – Query Strings intro using –
$orderby – $select – $filter – $expand – using multiple querystrings in a single URL –
Configure the odata domain in the SAP HCP.

Intro to SAP HCP – Configuration of OData domain and Servers both OnPremise and
CLOUD connectors – Invoke WEBIDE from SAP HCP – Usage of Templates – Worklist
, Master Details & CRUD MasterDetails Template – use these for REAL TIME

  • BindingContext – Filters – using Expand on 2 entitysets – Formatters –
    usage of Fragments – Custom Formatters – Expression Bindings – Graphs – CRUD
    operations on SAP OData Services in UI5

• SE11 – Custom Table Creation
• SE37 – Function Module Creation
• Introduction to Netweaver Gateway Service Buildwer
• Architecture
• Installation – Hardware & Software requirements

 Structure of OData service
• Service Document
• Service Metadata Document


o Elements of OData Documents

• Entity
• Entity Type
• Entity Set
• Property
• Navigation Property
• Association

o Data Model

• Create (post)
• Read (get)
• Update (put)
• Delete (delete)

• $filter
• $select
• $orderby
• Client-side paging ($top, $skip, and $inlinecount)
• $count
• $expand
• $format

o Service evelopment
o Service Generation

• Data Model Definition
• Service Implementation
• Service Maintenance

• Runtime Artifacts

• Model Provider Class
• Data Provider Class

• Fiori Designer – Catalogs – TargetMapping – Tiles – Groups Creation
• STEP by STEP approach of how to place the Fiori Standard and
Custom apps on the Fiori Launchpad
• Fiori Apps Library
• Fiori App Types

 Real Time Objects & Examples with Real Time Application Development.
 Real Time Project Procedure and Detailed Course Material, Resume
 Daily Assignments and assessing on the Progress from Beginner Level
to Expert Level.
 Minute focus on every student/trainee to handle the SAP UI5 Project on
his/her own in the company.

Course Certification



  • You will never miss a lecture at Emax You can choose either of the option: View the recorded session of the class available in your LMS.


Your access to the Support Team is for lifetime and will be available 24/7. The team will help you in resolving queries, during and after the course.


Post-enrolment, the LMS access will be instantly provided to you and will be available for lifetime. You will be able to access the complete set of previous class recordings, PPTs, PDFs, assignments. Moreover the access to our 24×7 support team will be granted instantly as well. You can start learning right away.


Yes, the access to the course material will be available for lifetime once you have enrolled into the course.


Sr. SAP UI5/Fiori Consultantt
15+ Years of Experience

Upcoming Batches